Issue Highlights: June 2019


Below is a snapshot of some of the topics and interests you can expect to see in the pages of the June 2019 issue of Rock & Gem. Plus, we’ve included some sample pages for you to enjoy.

North Star Turquoise: New, Natural and Native American. By Steve Voynick

Black Smoker Geysers: Loaded with Sulfide Minerals, They’re A Miner’s Best Friend. By Bob Jones

In Memoriam: Carolyn Weinberger. By Bob Jones and Jim Brace-Thompson

Special Section: Tools of the Trade

Carrying On Cutting Traditions: Roth Family Favors Cameo Carving. By Bruce McKay

 Tucson 2019 Recap: An Experience of Change and Growth. By Bob Jones

 Emerald Village: Mines and Museum in Little SwitzerlandBy Helen Serras-Herman

Understanding Orb Structure in JaspersManifestations of Enigmatic Phenomenon (Part I). By Joe Dehmer

Enchanted By Selenite: Unexpected Discovery Makes Dreams Possible. By Antoinette Rahn

The Artistry of Nature: Pursuit of Passions Results in GiologicaBy Antoinette Rahn

In addition, you’ll find the following regular R&G columns: Bench Tips with Bob Rush, Rock Science with Steve Voynick, What to Cut with Russ Kaniuth, On the Rocks with Bob Jones, Artisan Alley with Erin Dana Balzrette, Picks & Pans, as well as an extensive Show Dates section, and the always popular Parting Shot.